It is with huge regret that we have decided to close our doors for the winter of 2020, THE first time in our 30 yr history! Effective fm Monday 2nd Nov 2020 until Mar 2021.
We have tried extremely hard to weather this Covid-19 storm, but unfortunately due to the very unique nature of our beautiful, but failing listed building, too many uncertainties & Covid-19 demands it is now simply not viable to try to continue in this unpredictable climate.
The constraints, rules, regulations & hoops that the hospitaility sector is expected to jump through, & keep up with, are simply untenable for us.
We were denied the chance of operating as a take-away back in March as EDDC closed Connaught Gardens, without our knowledge. Once allowed we opened all day, every day, well into the late evenings offering our super-successful Feast take-away service, & then as a dine-in option too, alongside the daytime cafe & our @ Home meals delivery service.
All of this has had a catastrophic impact on our independent, family business. It's taken its toll. We have decided that this is the best option for us & for our business right now. That is, if we want to survive & be back next year.
If goes without saying that this decision was not taken easily or lightly. We are conscious that wages & livelihoods depend on us, & that we are a place of sanctuary for a great many. We have a very loyal & wonderful staff, & customers; to all of whom we are extremely grateful. We've had phenomenal support & can't thank you enough, especially with our recent letter to Boris!
We will miss you!😥
Stay safe, look after yourself & we hope to see you next year.
With love, huge affection & enormous thanks for everything, Stewart & Justine Fraser & all the staff at The Clock Tower x 😘
p.s. If you can please do pop in & say au revoir this week, we'd be delighted to see you.